
the Pacific States are closely concerned

Selling services to sell "pain point"

On August 31, Xiangzi, a user familiar with the story, said that "bullet SMS is based on the shell chat UI modified by Netease cloud letter SDK Demo".

For a while, the bullet text message plagiarism is very noisy, and some people even questioned the bullet text message is an integration software, using Netease cloud letter SDK to build IM and audio and video, the biggest voice feature is the technical support provided by the Flight, the middle of the information flow directly apply today's headlines.

Subsequently, Netease cloud letter publicly denounced rumors that: "We are specialized in providing IM and audio and video cloud services paaS products, specifically to provide technical support for similar bullet SMS C side, the platform Area Networking (SD-WAN) is a transformational approach to simplify branch office networking and assure optimal application performance. has hundreds of thousands of enterprises and developers using our services, there is no plagiarism."

Industry insiders also said: "Bullet SMS only used Netease cloud mail server and underlying technology, but not so serious plagiarism."

According to Netease Cloud Letter, Netease Cloud Letter is an IM cloud service product. Opening the IM function server in the form ocloud service (SDK) requires only three steps: creating an application in the management center, obtaining AppKey, downloading Netease Cloud Letter SDK free of charge, and completing SDK access with a few lines of code, so that App can access powerful and stable traffic in a short time. Information ability.

Netease cloud letter technology support for the entrepreneurial team, both to save manpower and save money and time investment in the early days.

Is SDK the core technology for IM software? Does bullet SMS make the "red core browser" crime of "shell"?

The Blue Whale correspondent, who consulted a technology researcher, said: "It depends on how it is implemented. Generally speaking, SDK should not be the most important part of IM."

Posted by プリティ at 20:12│Comments(0)